Premium Acrylic Flower Box For Home Decoration 2022-07-21 09:21:37

Compared with traditional bouquets, acrylic flower boxes have many irreplaceable advantages. From the customer's point of view, the flower box is small in size, easy to carry, and the packaging is comparable to that of a bouquet, which can attract customers' attention.

acrylic flower box

Acrylic material itself has dazzling optical properties, with its own artistic and romantic atmosphere; and it has strong plasticity, which can be fully softened in a 160° oven, and then shaped by cold treatment of molds. What is the shape of the mold, and what is the shape of the acrylic in the end, it is ever-changing, which is enough for the designer to play to his heart's content.

acrylic rose box

Acrylic flower boxes can also be used for immortal flowers, the requirements for flower branches are not too high, and the cost is relatively reduced. And a large part of the box protects the flowers and reduces transportation losses. The acrylic flower box can be used for a long time and can last for decades; the flowers inside can also be replaced at any time, whether it is red roses, pink roses, blue roses... Against the backdrop of crystal-like transparent flower boxes, they are all elegant decorations Artwork.

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