What is acrylic lens mirror panel 2019-05-24 17:09:30
Acrylic (ACRYLIC, plexiglass, PMMA) mirror panel is a lens formed by special processing of acrylic sheet, with a resolution of 92%, hard material, scratch-proof and easy processing.

Acrylic lens mirror panel features
1. Clear and clear image, convenient and easy to install, the mirror body is light and safe, anti-sunlight UV, endurance and durability, strong durability and shatterproof function, just clean with soft cloth or sponge, warm water

2. The bottom plate of the mirror material is acrylic extrusion plate and extrusion plate, which has good impact resistance, vacuum plating, safety, environmental protection, new material, and no flowering.

1, suitable for convenience stores, large supermarkets, scenic spots, road turning
2. Anti-theft in any corner of the factory, parking lot, etc., as well as the safe driving of the vehicle. Also known as mirrors, safety convex mirrors, etc.
3, LED lighting reflectors, toy lenses, cosmetic lenses, lighting reflective lenses, daily mirrors, printing, packaging, toys, decoration, lighting, crafts, cosmetics, LED lighting reflectors and other industries.

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