The history of acrylic.
2021-10-25 14:22:26
ACRYLIC ; common name specially treated plexiglass. The research and development of acrylic has a history of more than one hundred years. The cohesiveness of acrylic acid was first discovered in 1872. The aggregation of methacrylic acid was known in 1880; In 1901, the synthesis of propylene polypropionate was completed. In 1927, industrial manufacturing was attempted using the aforesaid synthesis method; 1937 methyl acid industrial manufacturing development success, from which into the scale of manufacturing. During the Second World War, acrylic had excellent strength and toughness and light transmission. First of all, it was applied to the windshield of aircraft and the vision mirror of tank driver's cab. The birth of the world's first acrylic bathtub in 1948 marked the application of acrylic into a new milestone